Injury Care

Glades Injury Center employs an integrated approach to treatment merging the conservative therapeutic modalities customary within the field of chiropractic with the more invasive procedures and techniques utilized by members of the medical profession. Utilizing both chiropractic and medical strategies, Glades Injury Center is able to treat injuries of the neck, back, head, shoulders, knees, and extremities and are able to offer a broad array of therapy options to our patients.
Our dedicated staff professionals work to reduce the stress and pain that occurs following an accident. Our team of accident injury treatment specialists will handle the insurance paperwork for you, book your appointments in advance, and provide regular reports on your progress to your legal council or insurance company.
The complete examination process involves an initial exam, follow-ups and a final exam, each with specific purpose.
Diagnostic Studies: X-rays and/or MRI/CT scans may be needed to fully explore the extent of your injury.
Spinal Adjustments: There are more than 20 adjusting systems utilized in chiropractic today each with a specific adjusting rationale to restore the spine to normal function.
Physiotherapy: Our physiotherapy services include Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS), Therapeutic Ultrasound, and Intersegmental Traction.
Neuromuscular Rehabilitation: Neuromuscular re-education alongside ice/heat therapy can aid in bodily recuperation.
Therapeutic Exercises: Therapeutic Exercises can improve circulation and recovery.
Supports: Orthopedic braces and support are useful for relieving back pain.
Specialist Referrals: We maintain relationships with local medical specialists including board certified orthopedists and neurologists assuring prompt appointments for all patients.
Patient Transportation: Our facility provides transportation to and from our office.
Translation Service: We have multilingual staff to provide translation services for non English speaking patients.
Why Chiropractic?
Chiropractic care is ideal for patients who wish to treat the cause of their pain in a safe and natural way. Chiropractic does not rely on the use of drugs to treat the symptoms of an issue; rather, the treatment focuses on the source of the issue. In chiropractic, patients take an active role in their healing through healthy lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise.
1:00pm - 6:00pm
1:00pm - 6:00pm
1:00pm - 6:00pm
1:00pm - 6:00pm
Glades Injury Center
241 SE 1st Street
Belle Glade, FL 33430
Phone: (561) 996-9936
Fax: (561) 996-9934